Nifty gay stories fart

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6pm to 6am was my regular shift, so my nights off were often quiet, sometimes lonely, and occasionally weird.

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I was working nights as a police dispatcher, and my schedule was all out of whack. It was a warm summer night in the year 2000 (August, I think-maybe September). Myklanjilo doesn't include a photo or any way to verify his story, which reads as follows: Reddit user Myklanjilo writes of an alleged memorable late night encounter with Travolta in the locker room of a 24-hour gym from 14 years ago (emphasis mine).

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The next story is considerably more steamy. Reddit user deweyredman wrote in the thread that he too was approached by Travolta, at the gym, where they were alone, together: 'Happened to me too a while back.super nice guy.' Let's start with the most benign of the two tales. Last night, the actor John Travolta surprised one lucky fan when he introduced himself to the man,… John Travolta Introduced Himself To This Guy, Alone, At the Gym, At 3 AM A commenter points out that the original Reddit thread contains a few other stories detailing Travolta's late night gym escapades. It turns out that last week was not the first time that John Travolta has allegedly introduced himself to a male stranger, at the gym, where they were alone, together, at three in the morning.

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