Gay pride parade chicago jew

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“An annual march celebrating inclusion and acceptance was hijacked Saturday by those who believe Jews do not belong to the LGBTQ community,” said Stoken. The Jewish marchers were told that their flag is offensive. The Jewish pride flag consists of a Jewish Star of David on the gay pride flag. “Prior to this I had never been harassed or asked to leave and I had always carried the flag with me.”

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The flag she was carrying was from “my congregation which celebrates my queer, Jewish identity which I have done for over a decade marching in the Dyke March with the same flag,” said Grauer. “Where is the collective outrage over this despicable targeting of Jews?” Laurel Grauer, one of the participants ejected from the parade, told the Windy City Times that she not only was told to leave but was publicly harassed by other marchers.

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“In the heart of our city one of the most blatant incidents of antisemitism took place Saturday at the Dyke March,” said AJC Chicago Director Amy Stoken. AJC is appalled that several Jewish participants in a gay pride parade in Chicago were told to leave the event because their flags had the Jewish Star of David.

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